"The Liberty Project" - Create Your Own Liberty Machine

Take back your digital dominion!

It's time to put your learning cap on and disconnect from this modern day
Tech Enslavement.
Do you use Microsoft, or Apple?? Their latest updates are to control your life, you don't need their operating systems and I will show you how to switch! Get educated below and I hope to see you in the next class!

First Video:   Why It's So Important To Be Free From Windows and Apple OS (Operating Systems)

Second Video:   Peace, Joy, and Righteousness with Ubuntu OS (Ubuntu Tutorial)

Your Windows Operating System / as well as Apple are no longer free. You must sell out your privacy and agree to basic modern day slavery to now use your computers and cell-phones. Liberty Machines use a different Operating System WITHOUT TERMS OF SERVICE, meaning you own your machine, rather than it owning you. It works much better and faster as well. This is serious guys.. Apple also recently did this same thing with their update. Basically saying if you don't agree with our Terms return your device or stop using it. 

What you agree to and consent to is binding, the enemy knows this and wants to use it against humanity with fancy free apps..

Get free from this control before its too late, and don't let your kids be sold out to big tech, read all of the above photo from Microsoft. Parents you are now held accountable in regards to your kids and big tech control. No longer can we kick the can down the road.. It's time you learn this, it is easy you just need to do it! My son and wife use a Liberty Machine for all of their studies and college work. These companies are a joke, evil, and no longer have our best interests.  

But good news, we have the solutions!

Did you know in the Terms of Service, and Code of Conduct, that Apple and Microsoft have users agree to, can terminate your service or ability to use their operating systems for many minor reasons?? (see photos below)

Apple doesn't want you using their OS for any commercial use (meaning you can't produce videos, photos, graphics, or audio for profit with their system.) They claim rights to all of your photos, videos, and audios, using their licensing as "Digital Materials" Read Service Agreements for Apple >>

Microsoft doesn't want you sharing "offensive content" or they can terminate your services!! Who determines what is offensive.. Chronically offended people?? Ridiculous. And terminating your services means one day you could wake up and not be able to login to your Windows computer. I have been warning about this for close to a year now. Read Microsoft Services Agreement >>

**There is much more red tape than this.. Including being able to charge you criminally, or file lawsuit for copyright infringement based on the type of video encoding / decoding / or format your phone or computer uses. It's time to get off of these services if you want LIBERTY!! No longer are these companies only Operating Systems, they are control devices, and in my opinion the exact definition of "malware." 

What if you get banned because you shared something Microsoft thought was offensive? What if you get a criminal charge for uploading a YouTube video with Apple OS to make profit?? How many people are already doing this? Well, according to their licensing agreements that you agree to, this is a violation. Not to mention them claiming rights over your photos and videos??!! Ya I have also been saying that agreeing to these terms of services is now like making a deal with the devil, literally.

When we install this new Operating System I teach, there is no service agreements, you own your device. This is why it is called a LIBERTY MACHINE! It's time for you to get free from the spider web of deceit.

Did you know you can't use Apple Devices photos app to create videos or photos for commercial use?? Meaning you can't shoot videos or photos to make profit! This is how they plan to trap people in the future, via copy-write laws.

Parts List: Need To Order Before Class 

So here is the list of items to purchase and overview of the training upcoming training: You will need to manually copy and paste into your browser (links may change but the parts are the same).


Many are asking me for an Amazon Alternative, you can also 
find these or equivalent products the main thing is to make sure you 
get the Raspberry Pi 8G model 4b @ https://newegg.com

1) Rasberry Pi 4 8gb: https://www.amazon.com/LoveRPi-Raspberry-8GB-Computer-Heatsinks/dp/B08FRSHWGQ/ref=sr_1_8?dchild=1&keywords=raspberry+pi+48g&qid=1608052037&sr=8-8

2) Rasberry Pi 4 case (Neo version): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0824VTVCQ/ref=twister_B07WCTQ5XG?_encoding=UTF8&th=1

3) 2 64GB Micro SD Cards (one is backup): https://www.amazon.com/SAMSUNG-Select-microSDXC-Adapter-MB-ME128HA/dp/B08879MG33/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=micro%2Bsd%2Bcard&qid=1608052447&s=electronics&sr=1-3&th=1

4) 2 Usb-thumb drive 256GB Sandisk (one is backup): https://www.amazon.com/SanDisk-256GB-Ultra-Flash-Drive/dp/B07857Y17V/ref=sr_1_8?dchild=1&keywords=sandisk+256&qid=1609714842&sr=8-8

5) Hdmi Large Socket to Mini HDMI: https://www.amazon.com/CanaKit-Raspberry-Micro-HDMI-Cable/dp/B07TTKD38N/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=raspberry+pi+hdmi&qid=1608053540&s=electronics&sr=1-3

6) An ethernet cord to direct connect to your router (this is not necessary because the Pi has WIFI, however this is recommended.)

7) Also you will need a screen that accepts HDMI input. Most all tv's work as well as other screens, just be aware that old screens some use VGA which will not work.

after you have all of this done, you mix it all together into a pot and put into the oven at 350, wait 10 minutes then serve.. Lol sorry had to. Totally feels like I am writing a recipe list. 

**Also you will need a mouse and keyboard, hopefully that one is a given. Mouse pads are nice too!

The training is now PRE-RECORDED with complete STEP-BY-STEP documentation. The live class will be for Q & A and discussion on the future of tech and the internet (super valuable). So you are expected to have gone through the training before the Q & A. To build the machine and set it up takes on average 2 - 3 hours.

Training includes.. Setting up a new OS (operating system). We will be setting it up with a super cool GUI (graphical user interface) in my opinion much much better than I have ever used. We will get this machine up and running and I will give you a tutorial of how it works, how to get the apps you need for daily use, security features, connecting to the internet, and more. I will also teach you a couple things about coding, you don’t need any coding experience for this, bty.

After this you will have a new secure system that you can use as a desktop computer by using the HDMI large to the HDMI small connector and connecting to your tv. You will know quite a bit about code, and how to grow with this new (Operating System) however it is quite easy. You will have your own Liberty Machine that can fit into your pocket after this. My hope is that you realize how cool and awesome it is to be free from Windows and Apple, and you then can switch on your main laptop or pc, or you can use the Liberty Machine as your main driver – it supports 2 screens easily.

I have opened up a group as well for this project on https://kbl.social (our alternative social network) to offer some pointers and assistance after the workshop. (again huge value)

Below are some snapshots of the products that way you know you are getting the right stuff! 

Many are asking me for an Amazon Alternative, you can also 
find these or equivalent products the main thing is to make sure you 
get the Raspberry Pi 8G model 4b @ https://newegg.com

Get Registered Now For Project Liberty, And Take Dominion Over Your Digital Life!
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 Need more convincing you need this training?? This will blow your mind! The 2 operating systems side by side comparison! "WHAT IS RUNNING IN THE BACKGROUND OF MY WINDOWS MACHINE?????????!!!!!

Securing Our Kids Future With Liberty Machines:

One of the main problems today is we let our kids learn from Apps rather than access their learning from secured machines, with secure web browsing. Literally agreeing away their privacy, and in many cases paying to do so! Today we just finished setting up Asher my son, with his new 8gb 256 SSD Liberty Machine. And you know all of these great apps that are out there for kids, guess what!? They ALSO have websites! You know URLS?? We seem to have forgotten this important key. My son is able to access his favorite “apps” through a secure way, on a secure machine. This is so important and I am gonna keep shouting it out until you all take action!!

Also we put some apps on his new “Liberty Machine”, but these are open source apps that are really cool, and anyone can check the code. Asher and I will be dropping a video training together on some of these apps in the Liberty Project soon!

Brothers and sisters, consider taking some time to set your kids up with a secure machine to access their online experience. I literally set this all up in about 1.5hrs today… However this is like my 7th. And you will be able to build these for others as well after the training.

Do you really want these apps profiling and checking your kids intelligence levels? Do you trust them?? I am a dad and I know most of you want to protect your kids. Well the digital front is where the battle is my friends. Manipulating frequencies to manipulate emotions, intentionally seeking to cause depression!?? What most don’t understand is that when installing apps many people are agreeing to allow crazy analytics programs, and body sensors to send data on your kids every move, log it, and report it to their AI systems.

For only around $250 in parts 400$ in training you get a powerful micro-computer, equally as powerful as one of my $900 laptops.. You get a super secure device, and an even more powerful skill-set to help you produce in the times to come.

And just to let you know, yes we are building a computer, but anyone can do it. We are literally putting a chip into a case and screwing it together, then you will learn how to install a powerful Operating System, get it secured, and many other important tips to navigate the future of the web.

We have 7 short lessons that can be done in about 2 hours. You can have your machine up and running and be on your way to securing your family on the digital front! You also will get access to the group on KBL.social for additional help if needed. 
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